Monday, January 18, 2010

GOTTA try it!!

So we all know that I am a freak about having a clean fresh mouth. When I am on vacation it is usually my sonicare toothbrush that I miss first and foremost.
I just happened to stumble across this little friend last week and it is AMAZING!!!! I had a cupon so I figured I would try it and I am not HOOKED! I wake up in the morning and it feels like I brushed just a hour ago! This stuff is the best for fresh clean breath!! You gots to try it.

Visit arm and Hammers web site for cupons!!


Mama's Makin's said...

so how is it for protection against cavities, plauqe and whatever else crest says it does ?

Shayla said...

who cares about how well it cleans Heather! Point is it FEELS GREAT! :)

Unknown said...

It was one of my favorites. Also, I've fallen deeply in love with my Sonicare toothbrush. I may never marry.

RONNIE said...

Brook..that is hilarious....but oh so true!! I know this sounds funny but I love a good makeout post toothbrush session. I could hardly resist the thought of making out with a guy who has just used his sonicare and this little number!! oh how wonderful that would be!

Unknown said...

LOL! Funny you should mention that...since that very instance occurred for me just over a week ago! :)