Tuesday, June 1, 2010


SO I get a text from my FHE bro ANdy on WEd..... skydiving 2morrow at 2. Let me know if you wanna go. I figured...hey..what the heck I have always wanted to go...but could never fork out the bucks. SO I asked how much and he said $150 I knew I just HAD to go. ($150 is an amazing price). SO the next day we jump in the car with a couple of friends and then ANDY tells me the REAL price...it was NOT $150. IT was a tactic to get me to go...but it was too late to change my mind..I was all worked up and ready to go.

I wanted a bright suite so you could see me flying down. They have me this number....it was more of a spandex outfit. You can see my jean pockets through it!!...SOOO tight. This is ME, Andy and Jason. All ready to suite and jump.

The final suite up..it was a triumph getting my body in that suite!

Here we are...I am the furthest one up..right in the corner! 12,000 foot drop!! It was nothing short of amazing!! I loved it. I would do it again in a heartbeat...except for the price.

And this is one of my favorite picture because we are walking back...you can just see the giddiness in our faces. IT was a BLAST. I think my only disappointment was that I was expecting to get a good adrenaline rush from it..but I didn't. I was not scared at all. The higher we got, the more excited I got!! It was nothing short of thrilling. And all I could think was...how am I going to afford to get Chewy up here..she has GOT to do this!


Jourdan said...

CHEAPWAD! I can't believe you haven't done this yet!


LOOKS super fun and you look SUPER sexy! I bet the guy on the back of you was, well, LOVE.ING.IT.

I just discovered this weekend I am oober afraid of heights. Didn't I go bridge jumping with you? Man, I am getting OLD and FRUMPY!

Mama's Makin's said...

My my, so the moral of the story is Andy will say anything to get what he wants, aka he is a liar.

Well, that's all men really :)